Bluetree Website Services is the name for the constituency websites of the Conservative Party, including Associations, MPs, MSPs, MSs, AMs, peers, PPCs, councillors, candidates, affiliates and other groups. It has been built from the ground up to provide the features and functionality that constituencies require and almost infinite expandability whilst remaining easy to use and hassle-free.
Bluetree is updated and improved every month by our team of developers, and we rebuild the entire platform every few years from scratch.
We're in a unique position to understand both websites and politics and we have years of experience learning what makes voters tick and ensuring that you can communicate with them effectively and receive back the most useful data. Bluetree is Britain's most popular distributed political website platform.
Signing up to a Bluetree website means more than a place to communicate with Party Members, activists and voters - it means membership of a community that shares ideas, resources and best practice through the Internet.
Bluetree is built and hosted in Great Britain. It is backed-up with comprehensive user guides, which are continually updated. There is also dedicated, UK-based email and telephone support.
Bluetree is flexible, and it is secure, accessible and easy-to-use. It is also compliant with IPSA, the UK, Scottish and Welsh Parliaments, the Electoral Commission and the Information Commissioner.
We offer far more functionality and much better security than third party providers, usually at a fraction of the cost. We offer unlimited, free email and telephone support and we're at Conference, Spring Forum and in Parliament when you need us in person.
Most importantly, candidates who use Bluetree consistently receive a higher vote share and increase in vote share than those who don't.
If you are interested in talking to us about Bluetree, please contact us via the enquiry form.
Looking for something else?
If you are looking for help or support with your Bluetree website, or the Development blog section that used to be on this site, please visit help.conservativewebsites.org.uk (login required - see the Get Help button at the top of your Bluetree control panel for details).
If you're looking for our website platform and digital support for APPGs, please visit appg.inparliament.uk
For commercial enquiries, or if you are not involved in the Conservative Party (UK), please contact us via our sister site, Democra
If you're looking for Campaign Toolkit (previously known as BluePrint), for printed literature and templates, please visit the Campaign Toolkit website (login required)
If you're looking for the unrelated company called Bluetree, who build excellent websites for small businesses, you can find them here: www.bluetree.co.uk